Save GAS, pay LESS fees
Estimate the price you are willing to pay for the transaction
Last updated
Estimate the price you are willing to pay for the transaction
Last updated
These instructions apply to v10.29.0 or newer. In versions older than v10.29.0, you may need to first turn on 'Advanced gas controls' in settings.
When you start to send a transaction, you'll see an icon above your gas details. This will likely read 'Low', 'Market, or 'Aggressive' depending on the last setting you used:
Clicking on this button will allow you to choose between these three options. These describe the amount of gas you're choosing to pay, and have these main implications:
'Low' involves paying less for gas, and most likely waiting longer for your transaction to complete.
'Market' sets your gas to reflect the current market rates.
'Aggressive' enables you to be more forceful with your transaction, and have it completed as soon as possible by paying more.
Hit 'Advanced' to customize gas parameters directly.
The advanced gas fee settings are network-specific, so you can enjoy a personalized and optimized experience for each network you use.
If you want to reuse the settings you've just configured, make sure to check the box that lets you save your settings as the default. Then, simply click 'Save' to ensure your gas settings become the default values for future use.
Usually Gwei is low at UTC morning time, or on weekends, you can track Gwei price here
Remember: If you set lower gwei then the current market is, your transaction will be processed ones the gas will reach the amount you have typed. If transaction stucked for log time and gas it high but you need to make it or canlcel now then you can go the "activity" tab of the tx and click on activity log and then "Sped up". In order to cancel the TX sent it yorself with the same nounce buy higher gwei.